Czech Republic Course - May 2008


This years Czech Republic course was again held in Brno with eleven students and instructors travelling from the UK. Pictured left to right are Sensei's: Kevin Leigh 5th dan, Anne Hastings 6th dan, Vit Stencel 2nd dan and Ivor Garner 5th dan.

Karate Husovice of Brno did another fantastic job of looking after us with students travelling from all over Czech to come and train with us.

The class was first split into two groups with each being taught by sensei Leigh and Hastings.

Sensei Leigh teaching the katas Gankaku and Gankaku-sho with application

After the first two hour session a well earned break

Sensei Hastings practices her whistling...     William gets to grip with Helen..     whilst Claire happily holds the belt

Sensei's Ivor Garner and Lucy Marsh then taught in the second session

Sensei Hastings with wrist locking and throwing techniques.... Remember!! never volunteer...

Signing of certificates and a presentation to the sensei's from the UK

The next day we visited the Historic Austrian capital city of Vienna

A Vienna special !!!

A fantastic day in Vienna then to a farmhouse Winery on the Czech-Austrian border

Not sure if the wine cellar was such a good idea so early in the evening!! The sensible ones explored a ruin...


Sunday night at the help yourself bar... literally !!!


On Monday we were given a private tour of Brno castle.

Brno castle dungeons.

Goodbye to Brno and a big thanks to Vit for organising another great weekend... we'll pick William up next year!!!


Kodokai Instructors

Czech May 2007

Club Diary

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